EDI X12 Transaction Codes
EDI X12 945
What is EDI X12 945?
EDI X12 945 is an electronic data interchange (EDI) document commonly used among third-party logistics (3PL) providers and their suppliers / sellers. A 3PL or remote warehouse sends EDI 945 to a supplier / shipper as confirmation that a requested shipment has been made to a specific buyer.
An EDI 945 contains:
- Carrier details (warehouse / cargo quantity and weight)
- Contact information
- Date and time of delivery
- Allowance or charges (including promotions or deals)
- Freight consolidation Information (including total stop-offs)
- Special handling information
Transaction BEFORE
EDI 940 – Warehouse Shipping Order
ASC X12 Standard
Transaction AFTER
EDI 856 – Advance Ship Notice
Sample file
Copy the code of EDI 945 from this sample file
ISA~00~ ~00~ ~ZZ~035231234 ~ZZ~F2FETP ~180304~2223~U~00401~100022181~1~P~>! GS~SW~035231234~053980000~20180304~2223~100022181~X~004010! ST~945~0001! W06~F~0080200000~20180305~00553850~~~~~~~AS! N1~ST~WRKSHOP DISTRIBUTORS LTD~91~0003100000! N1~SF~Managers~92~1610! N9~MA~00550000~~20180305~1700~08! N9~2I! N9~KK~LF! W27~ZZ~EXPD~Managers International of UT, Inc~CC! LX~1! MAN~GM~00000110000013820000! W12~CC~100~100~~PC~~VN~E911746! N9~LI~000010! LS~0312! LX~1! N9~SE~BOOH014917! N9~SE~BOOH014695! N9~SE~BOOH014692! N9~SE~BOOH014694! N9~SE~BOOH014899! N9~SE~BOOH014920! N9~SE~BOOH014907! N9~SE~BOOH014731! N9~SE~BOOH014897! N9~SE~BOOH014751! N9~SE~BOOH014896! N9~SE~BOOH014728! N9~SE~BOOH014696! N9~SE~BOOH014713! N9~SE~BOOH014739! N9~SE~BOOH014765! N9~SE~BOOH014741! N9~SE~BOOH014928! N9~SE~BOOH014924! N9~SE~BOOH014914! N9~SE~BOOH014701! N9~SE~BOOH014740! N9~SE~BOOH014722! N9~SE~BOOH014792! N9~SE~BOOH014705! N9~SE~BOOH014719! N9~SE~BOOH014689! N9~SE~BOOH014898! N9~SE~BOOH014697! N9~SE~BOOH014706! N9~SE~BOOH014901! N9~SE~BOOH014913! N9~SE~BOOH014748! N9~SE~BOOH014921! N9~SE~BOOH015103! N9~SE~BOOH014900! N9~SE~BOOH014700! N9~SE~BOOH014738! N9~SE~BOOH014747! N9~SE~BOOH014714! N9~SE~BOOH014736! N9~SE~BOOH014903! N9~SE~BOOH014802! N9~SE~BOOH014707! N9~SE~BOOH014709! N9~SE~BOOH014715! N9~SE~BOOH014690! N9~SE~BOOH014729! N9~SE~BOOH014894! N9~SE~BOOH014810! N9~SE~BOOH014808! N9~SE~BOOH014716! N9~SE~BOOH014866! N9~SE~BOOH014922! N9~SE~BOOH014752! N9~SE~BOOH014724! N9~SE~BOOH014925! N9~SE~BOOH014730! N9~SE~BOOH014711! N9~SE~BOOH014754! N9~SE~BOOH014721! N9~SE~BOOH014908! N9~SE~BOOH014704! N9~SE~BOOH014710! N9~SE~BOOH014725! N9~SE~BOOH014746! N9~SE~BOOH014902! N9~SE~BOOH014743! N9~SE~BOOH014734! N9~SE~BOOH014699! N9~SE~BOOH014812! N9~SE~BOOH014718! N9~SE~BOOH014717! N9~SE~BOOH014927! N9~SE~BOOH014867! N9~SE~BOOH014904! N9~SE~BOOH014691! N9~SE~BOOH014822! N9~SE~BOOH014712! N9~SE~BOOH014703! N9~SE~BOOH014720! N9~SE~BOOH014702! N9~SE~BOOH014745! N9~SE~BOOH014735! N9~SE~BOOH014756! N9~SE~BOOH014732! N9~SE~BOOH014832! N9~SE~BOOH014744! N9~SE~BOOH014750! N9~SE~BOOH014708! N9~SE~BOOH014698! N9~SE~BOOH014905! N9~SE~BOOH014749! N9~SE~BOOH014910! N9~SE~BOOH014693! N9~SE~BOOH014906! N9~SE~BOOH014755! N9~SE~BOOH014773! N9~SE~BOOH014807! N9~SE~BOOH014859! LE~0312! W12~CC~30~30~~PC~~VN~E126407! N9~LI~000040! LS~0312! LX~1! N9~SE~BOOH000264! N9~SE~BOOH000262! N9~SE~BOOH000265! N9~SE~BOOH000274! N9~SE~BOOH000267! N9~SE~BOOH000251! N9~SE~BOOH000273! N9~SE~BOOH000272! N9~SE~BOOH000258! N9~SE~BOOH000280! N9~SE~BOOH000253! N9~SE~BOOH000270! N9~SE~BOOH000279! N9~SE~BOOH000276! N9~SE~BOOH000263! N9~SE~BOOH000254! N9~SE~BOOH000278! N9~SE~BOOH000268! N9~SE~BOOH000277! N9~SE~BOOH000259! N9~SE~BOOH000266! N9~SE~BOOH000257! N9~SE~BOOH000271! N9~SE~BOOH000275! N9~SE~BOOH000252! N9~SE~BOOH000261! N9~SE~BOOH000256! N9~SE~BOOH000269! N9~SE~BOOH000255! N9~SE~BOOH000260! LE~0312! W12~CC~20~20~~PC~~VN~E641234! N9~LI~000030! LS~0312! LX~1! N9~SE~BABL019048! N9~SE~BABL019020! N9~SE~BABL019022! N9~SE~BABL019030! N9~SE~BABL019009! N9~SE~BABL019045! N9~SE~BABL019035! N9~SE~BABL019017! N9~SE~BABL019032! N9~SE~BABL019031! N9~SE~BABL019046! N9~SE~BABL019024! N9~SE~BABL019041! N9~SE~BABL019039! N9~SE~BABL019037! N9~SE~BABL019038! N9~SE~BABL019036! N9~SE~BABL019042! N9~SE~BABL019033! N9~SE~BABL019023! LE~0312! W03~150~2.000~KG! SE~177~0001! GE~1~100022181! IEA~1~100022181!
More information about EDI 945
EDI 945 vs EDI 940
EDI 945 is the confirmation that a delivery has been made to a specific buyer while EDI 940 is the actual order (from a supplier / seller to a remote warehouse) that a shipment be made. As a result, EDI 940 must come before EDI 945 in sequence.
EDI 945 vs EDI 856
EDI 856 is an advance ship notice (ASN) sent to the buyer (not the supplier / seller). It acts as a packing list and provides shipment tracking information. The ASN can be issued by a 3PL or by the supplier / seller, depending on the configuration preferred by the supplier / seller. The central difference between the two is that EDI 856 tells when a shipment is leaving and EDI 945 states when it has been delivered.