EDI X12 Transaction Codes
EDI X12 204
What is EDI X12 204?
EDI X12 204, or a Motor Carrier Load Tender, is an electronic data interchange (EDI) document used exclusively in the transportation industry. EDI 204 allows shippers / sellers to tender (or offer) a load to a partner carrier. In addition to tendering a new load, shippers / sellers can also use EDI 204 to cancel pickup or modify the shipment details of an existing load.
An EDI 204 Motor Carrier Load Tender contains:
- Standard point location
- Load details (weight, number of pallets / units, etc.)
- Shipment ID number
- Transportation terms
- Handling requirements
- Any special instructions
- Stop-off details
- Amount charged (for the total invoice)

Transaction BEFORE
EDI 855
ASC X12 Standard

Transaction AFTER
EDI 990
Sample file
Copy the code of EDI 204 from this sample file
ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*BABELMENT *02*HLNF *171228*1508*U*00401*000000001*0*P*:~ GS*SM*MGACUMENT*HLNF*20171228*150809*1*X*004010~ ST*204*000010001~ B2**HLNF**HLNF0000T**PP~ B2A*00*LT~ L11*HLNF0058T*BM*Load ID~ NTE**~ N1*BT*Client Manager c/o Babelway Partner Technologies*93*LOC16~ N3*911 South Avenue~ N4*Atlanta*GA*30092*US~ S5*1*CL~ L11*HLNF0058T*CR*Load ID~ G62*37*20180103*I*0800~ G62*38*20180103*K*1630~ AT8*G*L*6000**4~ N1*SH*INDIANA COMPANY LLC*93*30441~ N3*51702 APPLE DRIVE~ N4*BOSTON*MA*08180*US~ G61*IC*Peter*TE*800-685-0655~ L5**Metal Pieces***PLT*SN96*SI~ AT8*G*L*2500**2~ L5**Freight All Kind***PLT*SN97*SI~ AT8*G*L*3500**2~ S5*2*PU~ L11*PPNF0058T*CR*Load ID~ G62*53*20180104*G*0800~ G62*54*20180104*L*1700~ AT8*G*L*2500**2~ N1*CN*Davis Metal Works*93*30007~ N3*9917 N. Canyon~ N4*City Park*WI*611158212*US~ G61*IC*Gary*TE*800-659-3210~ L5**Metal Pieces***PLT*SN96*SI~ AT8*G*L*2500**2~ S5*3*CU~ L11*HLNF0058T*CR*Load ID~ G62*53*20180105*G*0700~ G62*54*20180105*L*1500~ AT8*G*L*3500**2~ N1*CN*KRM-Manufacturing*93*FFP~ N3*3281 W CR 0 N/S~ N4*Frankfort*IL*46041*US~ G61*IC*Tray*TE*800-468-2210~ L5**Freight All Kind***PLT*SN97*SI~ AT8*G*L*3500**2~ L3*6000*G*250*FR*25000******4~ SE*45*000010001~ GE*1*1~ IEA*1*000000001~
Other Things to Know About EDI 204
EDI 204 vs EDI 214
Whereas EDI 204 is the shipper / seller’s request to transport a load, EDI 214 is a shipment status message. An EDI 214 communicates a load’s whereabouts (along with some other shipment details) in the pickup / delivery process.
Click on the panels below to learn more
The L11 segment provides any necessary instructions or reference information the shipper / seller would like to pass on to the carrier (related to load, pick-up, or drop-off details). Depending on its location within the document, the first three elements of this segment can be defined by the shipper / seller. Multiple L11 segments can be used in the same document.
- L1101 element: Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier
- L1102 element: Code identifying the Reference Identification
- L1103 element: A free-form description to clarify the related data elements and their content
- L1104 element: Date expressed as CCYYMMDD where CC represents the first two digits of the calendar year
- L1105 element: Code indicating a Yes or No condition or response
The G62 segment specifies timing in conjunction with a load pick-up or drop-off. Like the L11 segment, G62 is embedded within the S5 (Stop-off Details) group.
- G6201 element: Code specifying type of date (qualifier)
- G6202 element: Date expressed as CCYYMMDD where CC represents the first two digits of the calendar year
- G6203 element: Code specifying the reported time
- G6204 element: Time expressed in 24-hour clock time as follows: HHMM, or HHMMSS, or HHMMSSD, or HHMMSSDD, where H = hours (00-23), M = minutes (00-59), S = integer seconds (00-59) and DD = decimal seconds; decimal seconds are expressed as follows: D = tenths (0-9) and DD = hundredths (00-99)
- G6205 element: Code identifying the time. In accordance with International Standards Organization standard 8601, time can be specified by a + or – and an indication in hours in relation to Universal Time Coordinate (UTC) time; since + is a restricted character, + and – are substituted by P and M in the codes that follow