Resources - Case Studies

How Lactalis Replaced 3 Software Apps with Babelway

By Mathieu Pasture
August 31, 2016

The Company

Lactalis Northern Europe is a subsidary of Lactalis Group, a French company that specialies in dairy products. Lactalis Northern Europe supplies Lactalis products (Président, Société, Salakis) to Belgium, Luxemburg and The Netherlands.

The Business Challenge

Lactalis Northern Europe needed to replace an old EDI application (software within the Lactalis infrastructure). Lactalis was looking for a new solution capable of handling their 40.000 messages per year sent over X.400 and AS2 protocols.

The Solution

Lactalis Northern Europe selected Babelway as it allowed IT outsourcing (no internal IT infrastructure, servers, backup servers, …) and did not require software updates for new features. Babelway was also a solution that included all the elements for B2B exchanges : mapping, communication, AS2 certificates, … with a Self-Service interface allowing small changes to be made directly by Lactalis.

Key Benefits

Intuitive interface, reactive support, new features added without the troubles of updates, positive feedbacks from the end-users.

“When Babelway came and showed me their solution, instantly I said, this is the kind of product I want.“.

Sylvain BEAUGET, IT Manager, Lactalis Northern Europe

Read the full customer story in English or French.

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