EDI Integration Tune-up
Checklist for Optimal B2B Integration
When I take my car in for an oil change, it always seems like I walk away with an annoyingly long list of maintenance repairs. But sometimes, it’s good to take a scrutinizing look at my car’s systems. After all, driving on screechy brakes is bad—not to mention dangerous.
Because Babelway has over a decade of experience with global B2B integrations, we’ve literally seen it all. Over time, we’ve identified five features that really make the engine of B2B integration hum.
Before we take a look under the hood of your EDI system, here’s what we’ll be evaluating:
1. Flexibility
Traditional EDI with third-party and on-premise options can limit who you can connect with, the systems you can integrate with, and the type of data you can exchange. Today’s evolving business integration landscape requires flexibility to handle a variety of formats and transfer methods.
2. Adaptability – we anticipate change
Meeting the integration requirements of your business partners can be difficult. Most businesses rely on flexible integration tools to enable connectivity using a range of existing and widely used formats and technologies. And still, your business’ growth potential could be limited if your existing solution isn’t nimble enough to react quickly to market demands. Adaptability is your EDI service provider’s ability to accommodate emerging technologies and standards—or even those yet to be created.
3. Error Resolution
Most EDI providers operate in a “No Man’s Land” where exchanged documents are difficult to view and manipulate. When data goes wrong, addressing issues with a third-party intermediary generally takes longer, negatively impacting your business.
4. Efficient Onboarding
Your technology shouldn’t limit the speed of business. With the right integration platform, you will have the tools to deal directly with a new partner and onboard quickly. Scaling should be a breeze. Reducing your processing time can cut costs and improve business relationships—it’s the classic win-win.
5. Ease of Use
EDI is so complicated (they say) that you need a dedicated team of experts or a company to manage it for you to be successful. The truth is, EDI was complicated, but that’s changing. With improving technology, EDI can be managed in-house without being completely dependent on or overusing, valuable IT resources.
After assessing your system using the Tune-up Checklist (above), you might find you’re due for some repairs. Babelway has helped companies from all over the world improve the performance and reach of their partner integration program. We combine the power of an enterprise integration platform with the ease of use of an online app. Take a product tour to learn more.