If you have received a Babelway e-invoice, here are some useful information:

Legality, authenticity and integrity

Babelway e-invoices are sent in compliance with Belgian VAT regulation. They are signed with the advanced electronic signature of “Babelway invoicing hub 54”. This guarantees the authenticity and integrity required by the law.

This method received an accreditation from the Belgian VAT administration. (If you’re not under Belgian VAT regulation, check with your national VAT administration).

Storing the e-invoice

You should always store the e-invoice that you receive. You don’t need any particular storage system as the Babelway signature included in the document guarantees the authenticity and integrity required by the Belgian VAT regulation.

Verifying the origin of the e-invoice

If you have any reason not to trust the origin of the e-invoice you’ve just received, you can call us or easily verify it manually by following this process:

1. Open the certificate in the PDF document and read the ‘SHA1 digest’ (also called the thumbprint) indicated in the certificate details by clicking on “Signature properties” >> Show Certificate >> Details >> SHA1. This is a unique reference that cannot be replicated in any other certificate.




2. Check that this reference corresponds to the one provided from Babelway:

Opening an e-invoice for the first time

The first time you open an invoice sent by Babelway hub 54, the signature pictogram displays a question mark:



You should click on the pictogram named ‘Signature properties’ and then add our certificate in the list of certificates you trust.



If you now click on validate signature, you will now see our signature:




The next time you receive an e-invoice from Babelway, the signature will be automatically verified.