Babelway Supports E-Conomic Online Accounting

Babelway is proud to announce that it now supports the e-comomic online accounting software. Used by over 80,000 companies, e-conomic is on its way to becoming a leading provider of online accounting systems.

HubBroker and Babelway now offer a direct connection to e-conomic that can process invoices out of the accounting software for transformation according to your trading partners’ requests.

e-conomicBabelway also offers a flexible solution for its customers, integrating directly with e-conomic’s web-based accounting system. Babelway’s e-conomic wizard allows customers to create a gateway allowing you to query your e-conomic online account and retrieve invoices in just a few clicks.

This new billing solution saves administration fees, removes administrative burdens and significantly reduces the error rate of billing. If you are interested in learning more about Babelway’s e-conomic gateway, please contact us with questions.

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